Sunday, February 19, 2012

Cake in a Cup

A cake in a cup? :) This cupcake has a lot of surprises! besides with its colourful appearance, it has a vanilla filling inside. How do I made this? I'll share it with you guys.. :)

Using your cooled cupcakes (flavor of your choice), and a frosting, again, flavor of your choice. here's what you need to do...

Using your blunt-tip knife, make a hole in the middle, like an inverted cone-shaped hole.Then, with the part of the cupcake you removed, cut the bottom part, to make room for the fillings when you cover it again. Put enough fillings inside, but don't put too much because the cupcake will crack! Lastly, cover it again, frost the cupcake, put some designs on top such as, sprinkles, chocolates, fruits, and mallows as what I did with mine, and of course, Enjoy! :)

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Beehive Cupcake!

Beehive Cupcake

This is the chocolate beehive cupcake that I made yesterday. A chocolate cupcake frosted with marshmallow frosting, dipped with chocolate glazed, and sprinkled. The cupcake is really fluffy, moist, and scrumptious! SERIOUSLY. If you like it, go hit :) !!!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

My super SWEET Valentine's Date...

Guess what!? Today is Valentine's day! And i had the SWEETEST date eveeeeer!
I attended my baking class at Henny Sison's Culinary School and we made a lot of cupcakes. Those cupcakes that you can see in the picture above, are my cupcakes! I made it, i designed it. They are so delicious! So fluffy and moist. For me, the best cupcake there is the smores cupcakes (the two on the middle top) and the beehive cupcake (the two cupcakes with red sprinkles) but all of them are delicious! There are three kinds of cupcakes in this picture, the chocolate cupcakes, the vanilla cupcakes, and the sponge cupcakes! :)

Monday, February 13, 2012

rainbow colored vanilla cupcakes

This is my rainbow-colored vanilla cupcakes. inspired by a cupcake store in New York. I made this because of its pretty look. And mind you! making this cupcake was so fun! actually baking is FUN! 

 This is how it looks like... it is so cute! :)

This is how it looks like when you cut it in half, the inside is not that good yet. Cause i made this cupcakes when i was beginning to learn how to bake. :) but now, i'm proud to say that i can make a GREAT cupcakes! so fine, fluffy, and delicious. :)

Buttercream Frosting

This is my buttercream frosting recipe, and i would like to share it to you guys! :)

 ingredients: 1tsp vanilla extract
                             2cups Confetioner's sugar
         1cup Butter
         1Cup  Milk

How to: Combine Butter and Confectioner's Sugar together, after mixing well the two ingredients, gradually pour the Milk and mix until the mixture is thick enough to frost the cooled cupcakes. Lastly,combine the vanilla extract. 

Hope you like this frosting! Enjoy! :)

Chocolate Cupcake with Buttercream Frosting

chocolate cupcake with buttercream frosting!! It is my first time to make a frosting! and surprisingly, i made a frosting that tastes like the filling of chocolate iced kreme filled donut of Krispy Kreme.

credits to: recipe by Laura Vitale (